経営・管理ビザ(business Visa)について

経営管理ビザは、外国人が事業の経営管理業務に従事するために必要なビザです。例えば、日本で会社を設立して事業を始めたり、すでにある会社で海外から外国人経営者を招へいする場合に必要となるビザになります。 そのほかにも取締役、役員、支店長、工場長などの事業の経営・管理に関する業務を行う外国人も取得しなければならない対象となっています。

(A business management visa is a visa required for a foreigner to engage in business management work. For example, it is a visa required when establishing a company in Japan and starting a business, or when inviting a foreign manager from overseas at an existing company. In addition to this, foreigners who are engaged in business management and management such as directors, officers, branch managers, and factory managers must also be acquired.)

(Most of the cases where you want to obtain a business management visa are as follows.)

日本にある企業の役員に就任する予定。(Will be appointed as an officer of a company in Japan.)

外国で会社経営をしていて、日本への進出を計画している。(Runs a company in a foreign country and plans to expand into Japan.)

ほかの就労ビザで日本に滞在しているが、日本での起業を計画している。(Staying in Japan on another work visa, but plans to start a business in Japan.)

現在は留学生で、卒業した後に日本において会社の経営を計画している。(Currently an international student, he plans to run a company in Japan after graduating.)


(When starting a business from now on, it is necessary to establish a company by legal procedures and obtain a business permit, and it is also necessary to prepare various materials to prove the stability and continuity of the business. Therefore, it can be said that the difficulty of permission is high because the application requires careful preparation.)

経営管理ビザ 2つの要件(Business Administration Visa Two Requirements)

(The range of foreigners who are eligible for a business management visa is as follows.)
(1.A person who newly starts the management of a business in Japan and engages in the management or management of the business.)

(2. A person who participates in a business already operated in Japan and engages in the management or management of the business.)

(3. A person who engages in the management or management of a business on behalf of a person (including a corporation) who manages the business in Japan.)

(4. If the applicant intends to engage in business management, he / she has at least 3 years of experience in business management or management (including the period of majoring in business or management subjects at graduate school) and is Japanese. To receive a reward equal to or greater than the reward received when the employee engages.)
(Management of 1 to 4 means that persons in positions such as "representative director", "director", and "auditor" supervise the business and carry out management activities.)

(For example)
事業の運営の重要事項決定(Determine important matters for business operation)
業務の執行(Business execution)
業務の統括(Business supervision)

(Therefore, if the foreigner to be applied for does not have the decision-making authority for the business concerned, the business management visa will not be granted.)

(Management of 1 to 4 means to carry out activities as a manager of a relatively large-scale business even if you do not have the position of an officer such as a manager. For example, a person who is entrusted with the management of departments such as factory managers, branch managers, and department managers within the company. In the case of small and medium-sized enterprises, business management visas for management are rarely granted. In addition, "3 years or more of experience" includes the period of majoring in business administration or management at graduate school, both domestically and internationally. For example, if you major in a two-year management course at a graduate school and then run a business for one year as a manager, you will meet this requirement. If you have a three-year major, you do not need work experience.)

(4 "Remuneration equal to or greater than the remuneration received when a Japanese person engages" is judged by comparing with the Japanese branch manager of another branch, for example, in the case of examination of a foreigner who is in the position of branch manager. Will be done. If there are no other branches, it will be judged against the general compensation of the same industry.)

許可の要件(Permit requirements)

(The requirements for these persons to obtain a business management visa are as follows.)

(1. 1. An office or store for running a business must be set up in Japan.)

In order to obtain a business management visa, as a general rule, it is necessary to have an office or store to run a business in Japan. (The office is secured in a place different from the home, and an independent space as a store is secured.)However, the reality is that there are many foreigners who want to have a home and office because they want to keep the initial cost down and cannot find an office that meets the conditions. Is it possible to meet the requirements for a business management visa at home and office?

(In conclusion, it is possible. However, if there are conditions and it is a detached house, it is OK, and one room in the condominium will be NG.)

一戸建ての場合[For single-family homes]
(Most of the single-family homes meet the requirements, with the first floor as the office and the second floor as the living space. The ideal layout is that there is an office immediately after entering the entrance on the first floor.)

(On the contrary, there are cases where permission is given even in the office on the second floor. Most of them have a structure that allows you to open the entrance and go up to the second floor without going through the office on the first floor, or you can go up to the living space on the second floor from the stairs installed outside. Is what you have. The point is that the doorways should be installed separately in the office and living space. Therefore, if you cannot go up to the office on the 2nd floor without going through the living space on the 1st floor, you can hardly clear the examination.)

(In the case of a condominium, even if the office and the living space are completely separated, it is judged that the office does not have independence because the floor of the condominium itself has a strong structure. Therefore, it is almost impossible to clear the examination. Even if the office and living space are completely separated by 6LDK or more, the Immigration Bureaus judgment will not change, so permission will not be granted as well. Basically, please be aware that the Immigration Bureau does not recognize one room in an apartment as an office.)


(In Japan, a capital of 10 million yen was mandatory as a requirement for establishing a joint-stock company, but with the revision of the Companies Act in 2005, this minimum capital amount rule was abolished.Therefore, in Japan today, it is possible to establish a joint-stock company with a capital of 1 yen. However, please note that there are certain conditions to meet the requirements for permitting a business management visa.)

(Regarding the scale of the business, it is a requirement that one of the following three is applicable.)
(1)資本金の額又は出資総額が500万円以上であること。(1) The amount of capital or the total investment amount is 5 million yen or more.

(2)経営者以外に2人以上の常勤職員が従事して営まれるものであること。(2) Two or more full-time employees other than the manager must be engaged and operated.

(3)1又は2に準ずる規模であると認められるものであること。(3) It is recognized that the scale is equivalent to 1 or 2.

(1 is as specified.However, when applying for a business / management visa, it is necessary to prove that the scale is "capital / total investment of 5 million yen or more" and at the same time prove the procurement route of 5 million yen using documents and materials. there is. Therefore, it is very important to prepare for the establishment of the company while clearly recording the source of the capital of 5 million yen.)

本人が調達したケース(Case procured by the person)
ご自身で働いて得た給料を貯めていた場合は、銀行の通帳の写しで立証できます。ここで一つ注意点があります。留学ビザで日本に滞在している場合は、資格外活動の許可を得ていたとしても、一週間に28時間までしかアルバイトなどの報酬を得る活動は行えません。たとえ、ご自身で働いて得た給料であっても、28時間を超えて就労していたことが通帳などから発覚した場合は違法な資格外活動で得たものと判断されてしまいます。そうなると、経営・管理ビザへの変更の許可は絶対に下りませんので十分に注意を払って下さい。(If you have saved your salary from working on your own, you can prove it with a copy of your bank passbook. There is one caveat here. If you are staying in Japan on a student visa, you can only get a part-time job or other compensation for up to 28 hours a week, even if you have permission for activities outside the status of qualification. Even if the salary is earned by working on your own, if it is discovered from your passbook that you have been working for more than 28 hours, it will be judged that you have earned it through illegal non-qualification activities. If this happens, you will never be granted permission to change to a business / management visa, so please be careful.)

親族から調達したケース(Cases procured from relatives)
自己資金が500万円に満たない場合、親族から借りるというケースがとても多いです。親族から借りる場合であっても、借用書(金銭消費貸借契約書)は申請時に立証できる資料となりますので取り交わすようにしましょう。海外から送金してもらうのであれば、 送金記録を保存しましょう。親族が海外から現金を持ってくるという場合には、税関で申告した記録が必要になります。なお、親族から資金を借りた場合には、その親族との関係性を公的な書類で立証することになります。また、親族に多額の資金の提供を受けると、その親族の経済力について疑義を持たれる場合があります。そのなると、親族の銀行口座明細書の提出を求められる可能性も出てきますので、必要に応じて資料をそろえるようにしましょう。
(If your own funds are less than 5 million yen, you will often borrow from your relatives. Even if you borrow from a relative, the loan agreement (loan agreement) will be a document that can be proved at the time of application, so be sure to exchange it. If you are sending money from overseas, keep a record of the money sent. If your relatives bring cash from abroad, you will need a record of your declaration at customs. If you borrow money from a relative, you will need to prove your relationship with that relative in official documents. Also, if a relative receives a large amount of money, he or she may be skeptical about the financial strength of the relative. If this happens, you may be required to submit a bank account statement for your relatives, so be sure to have the materials available as needed.)

Regarding (2), two or more people must be hired, excluding foreigners who are eligible for a business management visa. The full-time employee to be hired must meet one of the following.
永住者(Permanent resident)
特別永住者(Special permanent resident)
日本人又は永住者の配偶者等(Spouse of Japanese or permanent resident, etc.)
日本国籍(Japanese nationality)

常勤職員とは下記の全てに該当するものを指します。(A full-time employee is one who falls under all of the following.)
労働日数が週5日以上の者。(Those who work 5 days or more a week.)
週労働時間が30時間以上の者。(Those who work 30 hours or more per week.)
年間217日以上の者。(Those who have more than 217 days a year.)
雇用保険の被保険者。(Insured person of employment insurance.)
労働基準法に基づき、年次有給休暇が付与されていること。(Annual paid leave is granted based on the Labor Standards Law.)

(3)については、下記のa bの内、どちらかをクリアすれば該当します。
a 出資金250万円以上 + 常勤職員1名(a Investment of 2.5 million yen or more + 1 full-time employee)
b 個人事業として500万円以上を投資して事業を営む規模(b Scale of running a business by investing 5 million yen or more as a sole proprietorship)

(If you select b for a new business and try to apply, it will be judged based on the total investment amount for the following purposes.)
事業所の経費(Business expenses)
職員の人件費(常勤/非常勤問わず)(Personnel expenses for staff "full-time / part-time")
その他の経費(事業所維持費・事務機器購入経費)(Other expenses "Business establishment maintenance expenses / office equipment purchase expenses")

(In addition, in cases other than the above new businesses, it is necessary to submit the financial statements related documents for the most recent period and prove that the investment of 5 million yen or more is continuing.)

(As long as it corresponds to any of the scales (1) to (3) of the business, it is easiest to prove that the total capital and investment is 5 million yen or more in (1), and the examination Is done relatively smoothly. These are listed on the corporate registration certificate, and if you check them, you can easily prove them because they are all at a glance.)







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